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http://www.crntt.hk   2021-01-08 14:30:10
美國在台協會酈英傑處長。(中評社 資料照)
  中評社台北1月8日電(記者 黃筱筠)美國在台協會(AIT)今天中午發佈新聞稿宣布,美國駐聯合國大使克拉芙特(Kelly Craft)將於1月13日至15日訪台,並與資深台灣官員及外交人員會面。




  Ambassador Kelly Craft will travel to Taipei January 13-15 for meetings with senior Taiwan counterparts and members of the diplomatic community. During her trip, the Ambassador will reinforce the U.S. government’s strong and ongoing support for Taiwan’s international space, in accord with the U.S. one-China policy that is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three U.S.-PRC joint communiques, and the Six Assurances to Taiwan. 

  Ambassador Craft will also deliver remarks January 14 at the Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs on Taiwan’s impressive contributions to the global community and the importance of Taiwan’s meaningful and expanded participation in international organizations.

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