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http://www.crntt.hk   2020-08-15 09:56:10


  “The United States wants to strangle TikTok, no matter what painful compromises the company makes. The real and the only reason is that it is a Chinese company…Preaching a “clean network” while having stains all over itself, the United States is turning the “Internet” into a “US-net” that only serves its own interests.” stated by Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng in his exclusive interview with China Forum.

  (August 13, 2020, CGTN, Reviving the Cold War is Anachronistic)
  Toute das vital to protect American’s data, the crackdown is in fact a depressing example of jingoistic opportunities, more likely to chill investment in America and stoke Chinese nationalism. 

  (August 8,2020,The Economist, TrumpianTikTok)

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